Aaron has been drawing since the age of six, and was seen as gifted from early age. His parents sent him to study art in art studios of leading artists ,such as David Wakstein’s art studio, the T.A Musium of art and more.
There, among them, he developed his talent and the beginning of his unique style.
Even as a child he explored after interesting artworks looking for a new exciting ways of expression he hasn’t yet seen. When he grew up a little, he was greatly influenced by visits to the art studio of great artist Avi Feiler, and entered more into the impressionistic realistic style he gained during this time.
He was then sent by his teachers to study visual art design at HIT Art Academy in order to develop his abstract ways of expression. Since then he began to create in a fascinating and modern style, which brings into the canvas, qualities from the world of classical painting and drawing, to integrate with thick modern work in oils and acrylics, also Abstract textural figures, alongside a rich variety of unique color shades, and of course, a new point of view, from the field of visual art design.
The thirst to develop the special style that would be able to express the art he creates, brought him to Jerusalem, the city of inspiration for artists from all around the world. There, he met from up close, the well-known kedusha of jerusalem.
The streets, the people, the trees, and the ancient history of Jerusalem that peeks out from every corner.
His unique style was very liked by the Jerusalem post-impressionist great artist Huvy Elisha, who hired him as the assistant of her studio, he was also exhibiting his artworks at “Huvy’s Gallery” in jerusalem. During the many years he painted under her inspiration, he was greatly influenced by her artworks, and her way of relating to art at all. When asked about the most striking thing he remembers from those years, he said that every time when he came to her studio she would say to him “Hey Aaron, did you come to help me making the world happier?” and that it would have given him a mental state of creating, from a completely different place. And there he began going deeper and deeper, getting into the heart and soul that are beating so strong out of his artworks.
After huvy’s passing, he opened his own studio in Jerusalem, where he creates his unique artworks with his unusual way that he gained over the years. In his works you can get a tangible sense of the atmosphere of Jerusalem, the streets, the figures, the kedusha, and the longing for the unity of the world, and for a better world.